Archive for May 2012

Autorun Eater v2.6

Thursday, May 31, 2012
Posted by Unknown

 February 17, 2012

Autorun Eater v2.6 is here!

Added: ‘Malware Scan’ option to scan the infected storage device using Microsoft Security Essentials’ command line scanner (only works with version 2.1.1116.0 and above) after removing the suspicious ‘autorun.inf’ file.
Added: ‘MSE Scan Log’ option to view the Microsoft Security Essentials scan log.
Removed: ‘Priority’ option in the tray menu.
Removed: Removed some redundant code to improve startup time and performance.
Changed: Tweaks to program behaviour.
If you’re a new user we would like to encourage you to visit our FAQ page. Please feel free to submit any suggestions, report any bugs or anything you’d like to tell us.
You can install the new version over the old version(exit v2.5 first).
If you enjoy using Autorun Eater, please feel free to donate.
To all our faithful users, thank you very much for your continual support!
MD5 Checksum: 2ec2b86df38cdca49ce6071fcd64c70c

Autorun Eater v2.5

May 7, 2010 The cargo has arrived!

Added: ‘Remove Ignore For All’ option to stop ignoring all previously ignored suspicious ‘autorun.inf’ files.
Added: ‘Undo Ignored Drive’ option to stop ignoring a previously ignored drive.
Added: Option to enable or disable the splash image.
Added: ‘Ignore Drive’ option in the detection window.
Added: Drive letter for ‘Suspicious File 1/2′ in the detection window.
Added: Name of Autorun Backup file in the results log.
Removed: ‘(Pause)’ word in the tray menu to avoid confusion that Autorun Eater is paused when it is not.
Changed: New Autorun Eater icon.
Changed: The startup/exit sound is now turned off by-default.
Changed: Minor tweaks and improvements to the detection window.
Changed: Minor tweaks to tray tips.
Changed: Improvements to monitoring engine.
Changed: Minor tweaks to program behaviour.
[Fixed]: Problem moving on to the next drive when there are problems removing suspicious ‘autorun.inf’ file in the current drive.
[Fixed]: Pause notification not appearing in the Windows XP Classic theme.
If you’re a new user we would like to encourage you to visit our FAQ page. Please feel free to submit any suggestions, report any bugs or anything you’d like to tell us.
You can install the new version over the old version(exit v2.4 first).
If you enjoy using Autorun Eater, please feel free to donate.
To all our faithful users, thank you very much for your continual support!
MD5 Checksum: b4c31133777bebda1e910e0d4a48b739

Download Gratis NetCut 3.0

Friday, May 25, 2012
Posted by Unknown

Download Gratis NetCut 3.0 untuk Windows 7

Netcut adalah software digunakan untuk men-disable jalur orang yang sedang online lalu jalurnya diambil alih oleh pengguna NetCut. Dengan bantuan software ini pengguna bisa mengawasi ada berapa banyak pengguna dalam sebuah Hotspot area dan dia bisa memilih siapa yang akan dipotong jalurnya dan langsung diambil alih. Kalo pengguna software ini agak nakal, dia bisa men-disable semua laptop yang sedang online pada jaringan tersebut.

Untuk mendownload, silahkan copy link berikut kemudian pastekan di browser Anda. Jangan lupa enter. he.he . . .
NB : Software Netcut 3.0 Untuk Windows 7 ini sangat cocok digunakan oleh pihak server. Namun kalau mau digunakan secara pribadi, gunakanlah secara bijak.
Selamat ber hotspot ria.
Biasanya penyedia jasa Game Online harus mengupdate patch terbaru  point blank tiap hari untuk semua client nya… klo langsung update online biasanya waktu yang digunakan untuk update cukup lama blom lagi klo updatenya ngadat alias ga jalan… cara yang paling bijaksana adalah mengupdatenya dengan cara manual.. yaitu download patch terbarunya kemudian kopikan ke semua client …
untuk yang baru mengisntal PB pada komputernya disarankan mendownload yang FULL PATCH.
Langkah-langkahnya sbb:
1. Download patch terbaru atau fatch keseluruhan point blank di sini
a. Partial patch ( patch terbaru hari ini)
download partial fetch

b. Full patch (seluruh petch dari awal sampai yang akhir)
2. Extract filenya kemudian kopikan ke direktori tempat ngeinstall point blank
3. PB siap dijalankan tanpa harus update online..
3. Selesai ……… mudahkan… SELAMAT MENIKMATI PERMAINAN PB….
jika masih belum jelas silahkan kasih isi komentar!

Jika anda ingin lebih tau tentang masalah download Point Blank silahkan kujungi link berikut ini :

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